Revolver and Gun Club

Thank you for visiting our site
New Shooter Night
The time is 6:30 pm. We would like all shooters to arrive at 6:30 so we can begin registration. Once registration is complete we will not be accepting any more people that night. If you arrive after 6:30 pm you may not be able to shoot. This is wholly at the discretion of the Club Executive.
First Come - First Served so arrive early to avoid missing out.
Please Read the New Shooter page for all details.
Club Information
We have a safe, welcoming atmosphere with male and female members ranging in experience from new shooters to members who have been with the Club for over twenty years.
When you become a member, you are provided with your own key card which allows year round access to the range. We also have clean non-smoking facilities, meeting rooms and an indoor washroom.
The range hours for members are 7 days a week from 8 am to 11 pm
While the Range is available to members 7 days a week. We are a private Club and not a business and are not open to the public or walk-on visitors.
The road to our Club is on a residential street.
Please drive carefully and slowly.
Limit your speed to below 40 km/h on Ravine Rd.
Please look around our site, particularly FAQ sections to learn more.